Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rain Event June 2009

Rainfall is a mighty force of mother nature. On June 16th 2009 the course received almost 4.5" of rain in approximately a 4 hour time frame. Illustrated in the photos are areas of flooding and the amount of debris that flows from upstream creeks littering our lake with debris. Full sized trees, paper debris and kids toys are just a few items witnessed being washed into MacGregor Lake. As the water begins to subside majority of this debris is deposited into our coves and shorelines were we continuously remove the unsightly items. Obviously the lake edges become more contaminated with debris after a rain event and constant effort is being made to remove this debris.

Flooding #16

Flooding #18

Flooding #4

Spillway Releasing Overflow

Debris being washed into MacGregor Lake

Upstream Creek following into MacGregor Lake

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